Saturday, June 19, 2010

Save your Time

Save your Time

To gain knowledge is the first priority of an intellectual man. But there are so many obligations related to our family, our society and our country that we always feel a shortage of time for increasing of our knowledge.

But we can save our time by some aids. First of all is we should do all our work in a very concentrated manner. It always saves our time up to a great extent.

After that we should scrutinize our works. Our first work is to purchase of day to day needs of home- items. With a skill we can save a big time here.

Second thing is visits. We or we with our family visit to someone or someone or someone with his family visits at our home. If our aim is to gain knowledge at every moment we can stop those visits which do not give us something. And by not responding those persons whom visit waste our time, after some time they will stop their visits.

Now we should see our inclination towards T.V. shows and other entertainment shows. If these shows are just entertaining, If there is no chance to improve our knowledge we can stop to see them immediately. Same treatment is also required to useless novels and other readings.

Now we should enter in some subtle fields. Suppose we are obliged to attend a marriage or a social function we can save our time by keeping silence there except there is very necessary to speak something. Then we listen more and we watch the behavior of other persons. But it should be indiscriminately. If we never drop ourselves in a function’s atmosphere and consciously watch everything we learn so much from there too.

Now we come to very subtle points of time saving. If we watch our mind, we see, we are thinking on so many useless thoughts and feeling so many imaginary feelings. We should drag them out.

So these are some tips to save our time. We can develop some more by ourselves.

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